$250.00 USD

2 monthly payments

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Are you ready to step into the 2.0 version of yourself?

This will be an unfiltered experience of LIVE coaching weekly. Nothing is off the table. We will dig deep each week and explore what is holding you back and RELEASE IT!

This will be a soul-led experience. It is open to ANY woman that is ready to set her excuses, fears, doubts, negative self-talk, stories, and all the things aside that have been holding her back for far too long. This may be in life or business.

All are welcome.

This is for you ONLY IF you are truly ready to step into the 2.0 version of yourself, you just need guidance on how to do that and next steps to take.


(Or until 24 spots have been sold)

NOTE: This is a 6-Week intensive however, it is soul-led. This means that the days for the sessions is not predetermined. You will get 6 group sessions as part of your enrollment. The program will not be less than 6 weeks but may be more, depending on what is needed and being soul-guided through this collective experience. The day of the week that sessions will be held will be released with advance notice 2 - 3 days ahead of time. All sessions will be recorded and made available 24 hours after the life session.